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Uganda Refugee News

Uganda Refugee News - August 2020

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Welcome to Edition 8

Whilst, thankfully, Uganda has not yet seen the high numbers of deaths seen in many other countries, the 'closing' of Kyangwali is certainly a cause for concern, as is the reduction in WFP's distributions. There is also the need to start to mitigate the longer term impacts that the lack of education and reduction of other support that lockdown has necessitated have caused. September is, for many of us, the start of the new school year, but COVID-19 has meant there is no 'usual' anymore, except for the fact that, in the Uganda refugee response, its a busy time! So I hope this newsletter saves time and supports the response or research of all those of us working in or on the Uganda refugee response. Submissions are welcome – please send to and they will be included in the next version. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested and to sign up - please click here

Sector specific:


  • NEW - Civic education and the education of refugees

  • Maintains - Research Methodology for the Maintains Education Sector Study in Uganda

  • UNHCR - Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2019-2020, Education Dashboard - Quarter 1, January - March 2020

  • Princeton University - Urban refugee education response: A qualitative study of organizational adaption in Kampala, Uganda - This thesis examines the organizational response of the education system in Kampala to the refugee influx by investigating the Education Response Plan and by analyzing the perspectives of key stakeholders.

  • PBS - Pandemic makes learning even harder for Uganda’s refugee children


  • Geocarto International - The impact of refugee settlements on land use changes and vegetation degradation in West Nile Sub-region, Uganda - Findings revealed a rarefied increase in areas under subsistence-farming, builtups and refugee-settlements while the losses were seen in savannah-grasslands, wetlands and woodlands. The most degraded vegetation types were savannah-grassland, woodlands and tree-plantations. These were primarily attributed to unending activities of deforestation, bush-burning, high-refugee population, land-conflicts with host-communities and wetland reclamation. 

  • USAID/PowerAfrican/Green Power Technology - De-risking pay-as-you-go solar home systems in Uganda refugee settlements project

  • FAO/World Bank - Assessment of Forest Resource Degradation and Intervention Options in Refugee-Hosting Areas of Western and Southwestern Uganda


  • NEW - COVID-19 RCCE Strategies for Cross Border movement in eastern and Southern Africa

  • Depressive Disorders in Refugees in Uganda; A Case of Nakivale Refugee Camp - This study examined the prevalence of depression in a refugee sample in the Nakivale. The results showed that 81% of the respondents had symptoms of depression. There was no statistically significant gender difference but age and marital status had a statistically significant correlation with depression. Based on the results, there is need for screening of mental health in refugees using tools especially custom-made for refugee group and to develop the culturally appropriate interventions to improve the quality of mental health of refugees in Uganda.

  • Helpage - Adjumani Refugee Settlement – August 2020: COVID-19 rapid needs assessment of older people

  • World Vision - Uganda: COVID-19 Emergency Response, May - July 2020

  • WFP - Uganda mVAM Bulletin: July 2020 Urban Food Security Monitoring

  • WFP - mVAM Uganda Food Security Update for refugee hosting areas and Karamoja in June 2020 and July 2020

  • UNHCR - Settlement COVID - 19 update 34 , August 2020

  • GoU - Revised COVID-19 messages for refugees

  • OPM/GoU - Effects of COVID-19 on refugee communities in Uganda

  • UN News - Refugees at risk of hunger and malnutrition, as relief hit in Eastern Africa

  • WHO - How Previous Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks Helped Uganda Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak


  • NEW - ILO/UNHCR - Webinar: From Guidelines to Practice: A Market-Based Approach to Post-Covid Recovery in Forced Displacement Settings

  • BFA Global - Grit, Skills and Luck: Examining the financial lives of refugees in Uganda - This report provides an in-depth analysis of a quantitative survey undertaken in January with a sample of refugees and their host communities in Nakivale, Bidibidi, Palorinya and Kampala. The aim of this study, which is one of the few in-depth surveys dealing specifically with detailed information about the income, expenses, and financial management of refugees in Uganda, also compares their current status with their lives prior to leaving their countries of origin and their journeys to Uganda. An Infographic also available.

  • BFA GLobal - Webinar: Rebuilding livelihoods in displacement in the wake of COVID-19 - Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Uganda and FSD Africa – in collaboration with BFA Global present insights from the above baseline survey  and how COVID-19 has affected delivery by Financial Service Providers (FSPs) who serve them. Findings shed light on how the livelihoods of refugees have changed since they settled in Uganda, and the different ways they have adapted their financial behavior.  

  • ANUAC - “Children are our pension” Livelihood diversification, social security, and kinship constraints among East African refugees - Stereotypical ideas about poverty and life in refugee camps make it difficult to understand the choices that individual refugees make when moving from one place to another within Africa, including from refugee settlements to town, to refugee camps and vice versa. The article will take into consideration the migratory trajectories of a number of young persons, across the Horn and some eastern African nations, first as forced migrants and later as refugees migrating at will, as observed over a period of years. 

  • DCA - Refugees’ digital financial services (DFS) needs: Assessment of drivers, barriers, and solutions for use of digital financial services by refugees in Kenya and Uganda - July 2020

  • U-LEARN/WFP - Uganda: Market Monitor - Refugee Hosting Areas | Refugee Settlement Price and Market Functionality Snapshot, 15-31 July 2020

  • U-LEARN/WFP - Market-Monitor-Snapshot_15-31 July 2020

  • WFP - mVAM Market Update, July 15-31 2020

  • WFP - Market Update-Uganda Week 1 & 2: July 2020


  • The Global Governed? Refugees as Providers of Protection and Assistance - this book explores the role that refugee-led organizations in Uganda and Kenya play in providing social protection. Based on research over a 15-month period in Kampala, Nakivale, Nairobi and Kakuma, the authors introduce the theoretical framework of ‘global governed’ to analyse the ways in which refugees in these diverse settings navigate complex structural constraints to provide protection in their communities.

  • IDS - Integrating Humanitarian Response with Social Protection Systems: Limits and Opportunities - This policy briefing uses research from three countries (inc Uganda) to consider how SRSP should be implemented, making four recommendations for policymakers working in humanitarian response, disaster risk management and social protection.

  • UNHCR - Documenting peaceful co-existence in the context of COVID-19

  • Assault and care characteristics of victims of sexual violence in eleven Médecins Sans Frontières programs in Africa. What about men and boys?  Often neglected, male-directed sexual violence (SV) has recently gained recognition as a significant issue.  MSF systematically documented these in all victims admitted to eleven SV clinics in seven African countries (inc Uganda) between 2011 and 2017. The study found that patterns of male-directed SV varied considerably according to contexts and age categories. A key finding was the importance of the clinic setup; integrated medical and SV clinics, where initial disclosure was not necessary to access care, appeared more likely to meet males’ needs, while accommodating females’ ones. 

  • UNHCR - East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region SGBV – Regional Overview, March-July 2020

  • UNHCR - Voluntary Repatriation of Burundian Refugees, Update as of 31 July 2020

  • 1st group of Burundian refugees returning home from Rwanda


  • The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance - Water, sanitation and hygiene in refugee camps in Uganda: photo essay


  • NEW - Capacity assessment of informal justice actors in delivering justice: Compliance with constitutional requirements and international human rights standards - includes a section on refugee welfare councils' role in a refugee context.

  • NEW - Exclusion and inclusion in identification: regulation, displacement and data justice - this paper explores customer identification regimes in two country contexts in which large displaced populations are present: Uganda and Bangladesh. The two cases reveal divergent approaches to regulating refugee identification and the authors reflect on what these cases mean for the future development of digital identity systems by the humanitarian sector and the implications for data justice.

  • ODI - Public narratives and attitudes towards refugees and other migrants: Uganda country profile

  • A Comparative Analysis of the Application of the 1951 Refugee Convention to Victims of Sexual Violence in South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda - This article seeks to ascertain whether refugees who are victims of sexual violence in contracting states enjoy access to courts comparing urban refugees in South Africa with refugees in camps in Tanzania and settlements in Uganda, It further uses the qualitative analysis of documented prosecuted cases of sexual violence to establish whether claims of such violations affecting refugees enjoy the same treatment as nationals. The research found that In Uganda the 187 recorded prosecuted cases of sexual offences in the years of investigation all related to citizens, despite the introduction of a mobile court to refugee settlements. 

  • International Studies Association - Beyond “Bouncing”: Resilience as an Expansion–Contraction Dynamic within a Holonic Frame - Drawing on fieldwork with victims-/survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, and Uganda, this report uses the qualitative data both to empirically critique the notions of “bouncing back” and “bouncing forward” and to explore what expansion and contraction look like in practice. 

  • John Hopkins - Genocidal Rape In South Sudan: Organization, Function, and Effects - This article contends that mass rape by the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and affiliated militias against civilians is genocidal, based on over 325 interviews collected in South Sudan and Uganda's refugee camps in 2015–2017. The article argues that genocidal rape is two-pronged. In addition to destroying the target groups, genocidal rape also secures gains for the perpetrators. This article also explains what genocidal rape does for the perpetrators, and how it impacts society's social stratification. 

  • The nature of the European actorness regarding the refugee strategy in Uganda and Ethiopia - A descriptive comparative case study - Previous studies have found a decline of the European actorness on a global scale. This article addresses the pertinence of the actorness theory on a regional level based on a comparative descriptive study of bilateral EU-Third countries partnerships in Ethiopia and Uganda. While the European influence appears to be decreasing, the Specific Issue of the refugee crisis - as being a significant and preoccupying event for the European Union on an economic, political and social scale - could strengthen the European actorness in both countries.

  • Journal of Development Studies - The Rhetoric and Reality of Localisation: Refugee-Led Organisations in Humanitarian Governance - This paper draws upon ethnographic research on the interactions between international institutions and refugee led organisations in Kampala, to explore how ‘localisation’ unfolds in practice within humanitarian governance. They suggest that an effective localisation agenda will require much more attention to the role of power and interests at the local level if RLOs are to be engaged as meaningful actors in humanitarian assistance.

  • World Vision - Navigating the Nexus; A brighter future for refugee and host community children in West Nile, Uganda - This case study examines World Vision’s experience of adapting its programming in a refugee context to respond to the multiple needs of vulnerable children, families and communities; support them to achieve their long-term aspirations; and determine how these efforts can best foster social cohesion among and between households and communities. 

  • IJLRHSS - From Forced Migration to No Ethnic Vacancy in Refugee Camps: Cross-Border Tears of Ethnic Minority in Africa - (pg 127 onwards for Uganda case study). This paper began with the assumption that meaningful protection of refugees is a critical input to international peace and security. However, this input is usually agitated by the complex relations between the practices in refugee protection, and the approaches of resolving entrenched ethnic tensions amongst them. Refugees are cross-border nationalists who should adequately be prepared to meaningfully contribute to the international peace process. However, this process which should deliver the simultaneous purpose of protecting refugees and contribute to political solutions in their countries of origins through reconciled ethnic differences in their camps is still work in progress. 

  • Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi - The Global Compact on Refugees: International Development in the service of refugee protection and national self interest

  • FEWS-Net - Uganda Key Message Update: Poor households in Karamoja and refugee settlements continue to have food consumption gaps, July 2020

  • UNHCR - Operational Update, 1 - 30 June, 2020

  • UNHCR - Operational Update, 1 - 31 July, 2020

  • UNHCR - Regional Bureau for East And Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region - Global Refugee Forum Update (July 2020)

  • UNHCR/GoU - Performance Snapshot, Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2019 - 2020 - Quarter 1, January - March 2020:  Imvepi; Palorinya; Rhino; Bidi Bidi; Lobule, Adjumani, Kiryandongo, Palabek

  • UNHCR/GoU - Settlement Profile July 2020 - Adjumani, Palorinya, Oruchinga, Rhino, Lobule, Rwamwanja, Kyangwali, Bidi Bidi, Palabek, Imvepi, Kyaka II, Nakivale

  • UNHCR/GoU - Urban Profile Kampala - July 2020

  • UNHCR/GoU - Uganda Refugees Statistics Dashboard - July 2020

  • UNHCR/GoU - Refugee Statistics Map July 2020

  • UNHCR.GoU - Uganda Presence and refugee locations in Uganda

  • UNHCR/GoU - Uganda Refugee Hosting districts in Uganda

  • GoU - Active Population by Settlement -July 2020

  • WFP - East Africa External Situation Update #1, COVID-19, July 2020


  • Field Managers In Emergencies, Learning & Development Programme (FIELD) - is a ground-breaking, free capacity building programme for field managers. FIELD’s focus is to develop the pool of local, national, and international staff who can prepare for and take charge of in-country operational programmes in humanitarian responses.


  • Understanding changes to UK Government grant agreements and contracts - Thurs 10 Sept from 10:30 - 11:30am BST. A webinar to discuss the implications of the merger of DFID and the FCO on your organisations agreements focusing on termination rights and mitigating losses and the extent to which NGOs are within their rights to resist on requests to alter the terms of the contract or grant agreement.

  • Maternal Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: online workshopMon, 28-29 Sept 15:00 EAT - There will be presentations from external researchers and practitioners on aspects of history, policy and biomedical research, in order to catalyse discussion and encourage participants to build relationships with colleagues outside their own immediate fields. More information:

  • Renewable energy technologies &resilient generation capacity for microgrids - 10 Sept - the UKRI-funded GCRF project CRESUM-HYRES is organising a virtual workshop to showcase some of the work done by the project, partners, and prominent researchers in the area to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. 


  • Call for Proposals - Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF) Request for Proposal (RFP) to work in Refugee Settings and Host Communities - up to $20,000 for any CBOs, Local NGOs, preferably youth-led, women- led, refugee-led organizations working in a refugee settlement, host communities, and slum areas spread across the country

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