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Uganda Refugee News

Uganda Refugee News Edition 4: April 2020

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

© ECHO 2014

Welcome to Edition 4

Our daily email influx is out of hand, its official! Of course, we read and register them all (right?!), but what if something you read, like the contents of these newsletters, is not immediately relevant but becomes so a few months later. How on earth would you go about finding this newsletter and as we publish more this situation will only get harder. Just imagine how many emails would come up if you ran a search using the terms 'Uganda' 'Refugee' 'News'! So in our ongoing efforts to help make your life easier and your work more effective and efficient, we decided to create a website where you can find all the previous editions of this newsletter - and all the articles - in one place. Other resources will be added in due course. Please check it out here Also, please don't forget that submissions are welcome, so if you're aware of a piece of work that you think others might be interested in, please send it to Last, but not least, feel free to share this with anyone you think might like it and they can sign up here to receive it going forward.

Sector specific:




  • Association between stigma and depression among urban refugees in Mbarara Municipality, Southwestern Uganda - In Uganda, the prevalence of mental disorders among urban refugees in general remains unknown and there is little epidemiological data to inform practice and policy in relation to the refugees’ mental health needs in urban areas. The aim of this study was to examine the association between stigma and depression among urban refugees.

  • Essential newborn care practices and determinants amongst mothers of infants aged 0—6 months in refugee settlements, Adjumani district, west Nile, Uganda - This research found that newborn care practices were sub-optimal in this refugee setting. To improve newborn care practices, there is need to educate mothers through community-based health interventions in order to promote delayed bathing, ideal infant feeding, thermal and umbilical cord care.

  • Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness Assessment and Risk Mapping in Uganda, August-September 2018 (nb: paid for content) - this study identified 40 ground crossings (13 official, 27 unofficial), 80 health facilities, and more than 500 locations in 12 high-risk districts along the DRC border. Ten of the 12 districts scored less than 50% on the preparedness assessment. It identified priority interventions to address risk of EVD importation and spread into Uganda.

  • UNHCR - Uganda Refugee Response Dashboard Q4 2019: Health & Nutrition Sector and Food Security





Training, Events etc:

Featured Book:

Israel in Africa: Security, Migration, Interstate Politics

This book, written by the amazing Yotam Gidron (and coincidentally an ex colleague!) reveals Israel’s increasing efforts to form alliances in Africa, explaining what this means for the continent and wider geopolitics. It features - in Chapter 5 - a useful overview of the alleged deals between Israel and two unnamed states (assumed to be Uganda and Rwanda) to receive refugees involuntarily deported from Israel and sets it within Israel's broader interactions with the continent.

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