Welcome to the 56th edition of URN covering publications and news from August 2024
Please remember that submissions are always welcome and can be shared, for inclusion in subsequent newsletters, via our email - ugandarefugeenews@gmail.com
We very much welcome all the new subscribers and hope you find the newsletter a useful resource - if you do, then please help spread the word and share this newsletter with anyone you think might be interested in its contents and they can subscribe to receive it directly below.
Last, a reminder you can find previous versions of the newsletter on the website and the same articles but by sector.
Sector specific:
Brookings Institute - Ensuring school re-entry for pregnant teenagers and young mothers in Uganda refugee and host communities
East African Journal of Educational Studies - South Sudanese Refugee Higher Education Access in Uganda: An Intersectionality Enquiry
FCA - Over 13,000 textbooks given out to schools in Uganda refugee settlements
New Vision - 100 students get scholarships
Uganda Radio Network - Refugees, Host Communities Trained in Conflict Resolution
Environment & Energy:
AIDS Research and Therapy - Use and non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy among Refugee HIV positive pregnant mothers aged 18-49 years in Kyangwali refugee camp, Western Uganda
Global Public Health - Integrated health services for refugee and host populations in Uganda: A qualitative study of stakeholder's perspectives
Lancet Child Adolescent Health - A community case detection tool to promote help-seeking for mental health care among children and adolescents in Ugandan refugee settlements: a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial
Malaria Journal - Impact of mass media campaigns on knowledge of malaria prevention measures among pregnant mothers in Uganda: a propensity score-matched analysis
Monitor - The unseen struggles of breastfeeding mothers in Kyangwali
New Vision - Mothers in refugee settlements often abandon breastfeeding - experts
Research Square - Carbapenem resistance among uropathogens isolated from Refugees at Nakivale settlement Isingiro district-a cross sectional study
Together for Girls - Associations between childhood violence and mental health in refugee settings in Uganda
Livelihoods & Resilience:
Action Against Hunger - MacArthur 100&Change: Harnessing the Potential of Refugees for Community Resilience in Uganda
ANSA - Aics inaugurates the market in a refugee camp in Uganda - Emergency initiative of Italian cooperation
Dimension - Skills acquisition and employability through volunteering by displaced youth in Uganda
Enabel - Documentary on the support programme for refugee settlements in Uganda
Independent - Equity Bank Uganda re-affirms commitment to GROW Project
Italian Agency for Development Cooperative - Uganda: a new market inaugurated in the Adjumani refugee camps
Jobtech Alliance - Leveraging Digital Platforms for Urban Refugee Employment Case Study
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy - (pay for access) - Mindfulness and the theory of planned behavior: explaining entrepreneurial intentions of refugees in Uganda
MercyCorp - Through the Gender Lens - Investigating the Impact of Gender on the Financial Lives of Displaced Communities
Monash University - Understanding the dynamics of refugee impact on employment: evidence from Northern Uganda
Monitor - Refugees equipped with farming skills
Newsweek - The Deadly Violence Hit My Village. I Never Thought I'd Have Hope Again
New Vision
Norwegian University of Life Sciences -
Unity through agriculture? - Exploring the dynamics of intercommunity relationships and
NRC - Best practices in securing land rights for livelihood programming in Uganda
The Observer - Households in refugee-hosting communities become self-reliant
Permaculture Association - Weaving transformative refugee communities: Supporting Rolande’s journey to IPC15
REACH/Impact Initiatives -
SelfHelp Africa - E-Voucher System Boosts Food Security for Refugee Farmers in Uganda
UNHCR - Why do we need to talk about land rights when thinking of refugee livelihood
UNICEF - From Youth Participation to Action - How Young People’s Voices are Shaping Education and Employment Prospects in Uganda
US Embassy - Remarks by Ambassador William W. Popp | Graduating to Resilience Marketplace Event | August 6, 2024
ZOA - The Approach towards Integrated Land Rights for Sustainable Development and Peace
African Journal of Biological Studies - Role played by the UNHCR for the protection of refugee children: a contemporary critical analysis
Deaf Sign Alliance - How Deaf Sign Alliance Changed My Life as a Refugee in Uganda
KRC Uganda -
NTV - Concerns rise over unregistered child refugees in Rhino camp
El Pais - Diana Yousef: from NASA consultant to inventor of a toilet that evaporates waste - This toilet – which doesn’t require water or a sewer connection – aims to solve the lack of sanitation, a problem that affects half of the world’s population, especially women and girls
GoU/UNHCR - Uganda Refugee Response: WASH dashboard Quarter 2 2024
Capital Radio - Government receives Humanitarian Aid From Saudi Arabia
Chimp Reports -
Eye Radio - Kajo-Keji residents mulling return to refugee camps over insecurity: official
IFRC - Uganda: Transforming lives in Uganda through non-conditional cash support
IGAD - Refugee Networks agree to form the IGAD Refugee Engagement Forum
IMPACT Initiatives - Key Insights: Urban Refugees in Mbarara
IOM/REACH - Area-Based Assessment (ABA) in Mbarara Uganda (July 2024)
FEWS-Net - Uganda Price Bulletin, July 2024
Monitors - Unknown gunmen kill one in Palorinya refugee settlement
Nile Post - Pope Francis Commends Speaker Among ,Uganda's Progressive Refugee Policies During Vatican Meeting
NRC - Housing land and property challenges and best practices in West Nile settlements
The Observer - Govt scales up living standards in refugee-hosting communities
Open Journal of Social Sciences - Social Support Moderates the Stigma of Being a Refugee: Findings from African Refugees Living in Mbarara City, Southwestern Uganda
Oxfam - We need More Attention, Solidarity to Address Refugee Funding Crisis in Uganda
Prio Blogs - Community Initiatives to Mitigate Group Tensions: Reflections from Uganda
REACH - Situation Overview: Mbarara City Area Based Assessment (ABA) July 2024 | Uganda
Reuters - Congolese police officers flee to Uganda as fighting intensifies
TRT Afrika - UN projects Uganda refugee population to rise by 50,000 - The United Nations has projected that Uganda's refugee population would increase by 50,000 at the end of 2024.
Uganda Radio Network - 32000 Sudanese Refugees Enter Uganda
Walden University - (restricted access) - Relationship Between Cultural Barriers, Adaptation Mechanisms, and Quality of Life Among Congolese Refugees
Wilson - Filling the Gap: Refugee-to-Refugee Aid and the Role of Faith Actors in Humanitarian Settings
YouTube - Life inside Uganda’s Biggest refugee camp- Nakivale Refugee Settlement
VoA - Thousands of Sudanese refugees have fled to Uganda over the past year
Funding opportunities
Call for proposal for Skills developments for increased employability of vulnerable youth, refugees, women and girls in Kampala Metropolitan area - Deadline: 5 September 2024 17:00
Call for Proposals for Supporting vulnerable youth to develop sustainable micro- and small businesses for enhanced resilience and economic integration” in Kampala Metropolitan sub region - Deadline: 20 September 2024 17:00
Events, Resources
WHO - Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Humanitarian Workers
3rd Research Conference on Forced Displacement - September 19-21, 2024 - Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire and Online - includes at least 3 Uganda focused sessions