Welcome to the 44th edition of URN covering publications and news from August 2023.
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Sector specific:
Education and Conflict R\review - Ensuring effective teacher management in refugee settings in the COVID-19 era: A Ugandan case study of policy and practice
Eduation Development Trust - EDT and IIEP-UNESCO bring ministers together for key knowledge workshop in Ugandan refugee settlement
GoU/UNHCR - Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2022 - 2023, Education Dashboard - Quarter 2, January - June 2023
The Independent - Govt advised to use digital learning programme to address literacy, numeracy skills
International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies - Processes, products and lessons in translating policies into practice: The case of IGAD teacher training initiative in refugee and host community secondary schools
New Vision - Friendly school environment key to children's learning
Environment & Energy:
Global Giving - Helping trees to regenerate is as worthy as growing trees from seedlings and often surer and faster
GoU/UNHCR - Uganda Refugee Response: Environment and Energy dashboard Quarter 2 2023
Nile Post - Addressing Environmental Impact: Uganda's Call for Renewable Energy in Refugee Communities
Uganda Radio Network - Reforestation to Support Refugees Underway in Terego
European Journal of Psychotraumatology - Gender differences in substance use and associated factors among urban refugees in Uganda
Monitor - Yumbe refugee girls struggling with menstrual hygiene
New Vision -
Research Square - Understanding the organisation and delivery of health service following the repatriation of South Sudanese refugees from the West Nile districts in Uganda
Science Direct - The role of mindfulness, psychological capital, and social capital in the well-being of refugees in Uganda
Syracuse University - The Geopolitics of Refuge and Reproduction: Maternal Health and Healthcare of Congolese Refugees in Flight, Displacement, and Resettlement
WFP - ‘I feel like the proudest mother in the world’: WFP supports breastfeeding in Uganda - How the Swedish-funded NutriCash project, implemented by UNICEF and the World Food Programme, is changing the lives of refugee women
Uganda Red Cross - Menstral Hygiene kits restore dignity and empower girls and women in Bidibidi refugee settlement
Livelihoods & Resilience:
African Business - Refugee hosting communities to get internet connections
Chimp Report - GROW Project’s Steering Committee Convenes First Sitting
CIP - Refugee, host communities find relief and stability in Orange-fleshed Sweetpotato
GoU/UNHCR - Uganda Refugee Response: Quarter 2 2023 - CBI Dashboard; Food Security Dashboard; Health and Nutrition; Cash Based Interventions Dashboard
New Vision - Refugee women urged to embrace competitiveness in entrepreneurship
Nile Post - Refugee, host communities find relief and stability in Orange-fleshed Sweet potato
Mercy Corps - Tech innovations help build food security
Pulse -
REACH - Monitoring urban refugee influxes due to food assistance changes in Uganda - Round 1, August 2023
Rice University - Rice study: Children are usually the poorest members of refugee communities
Science Direct - (pay for content) - Child poverty among refugees
UNDP - Enhancing local trade for host communities and refugees through market infrastructure
UNHCR - UNHCR - Uganda: Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Strategic Directions 2023 - 2028
Vision Fund - ‘I feel part and parcel of Uganda despite being a refugee’
VoXDev - Helping refugees integrate into the labour market: Evidence from Uganda
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations - Uganda: how a gender-based violence survivor became a role model for women in emergencies
IRC - Gender-based violence in crisis - What is gender-based violence – and how do we prevent it?
GoU/UNHCR - Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2022 - 2023, Quarter 2, January - June 202; Protection dashboard; Child protection dahsboard
New Vision - Uganda has highest number of unaccompanied refugee children
Southern African Public Law - Cost-benefit Assessment of Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Women Reporting Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Uganda: Assessing Women’s Resilience as a Means to Protect their Ethno-religious Group
African Business - (subscription required) -
Uganda Country Refugee Response Plan (UCRRP 2022-23) - - Quarter 2 2023 - Nakivale Performance Dashboard; Oruchinga Performance Dashboard; Lobule Performance Dashboard; Palorinya Performance Dashboard; Adjumani Performance Dashboard; Kyaka II Performance Dashboard; Kyangwali Performance Dashboard; Nakivale Performance Dashboard; Rwamwanja Performance Dashboard; Palabek Performance Dashboard; Kiryandongo Performance Dashboard; Imvepi Performance Dashboard Bidi Bidi Performance Dashboard
Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2022 - 2023, - Quarter 2, January - June 2023 - Shelter and Settlements Dashboard
Uganda Refugee Response: National Performance Snapshot Quarter 2 2023
Population Dashboard: Overview of Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Uganda as of 31 July 2023
Analysis of Suicide Incidents broken down by age and sex (July 2023)
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction - Exploring gaps in using digital delivery mechanisms for cash-based assistance in refugee crises
Monitor -
Nile Post - 150 community leaders in Kampala trained on refugee rights
NTV - UNHCR urged to find sustainable solutions to regional conflicts
Oxfam - Uganda Humanitarian Interviews
UBC - Nakivale refugee settlement - Conflict resolution key to refugees’ stability
Regional Dashboard RB EHAGL
Democratic Republic of the Congo Regional Refugee Response Plan Dashboard - June 2023
UNICEF - Uganda Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3: January - June 2023
USAID - USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance: Uganda Country Assistance Overview (August 2023)