Welcome to the thirty-eight edition of URN covering publication and news from February 2023
Given we have a number of new subscribers and as a reminder to the 'OGs' amongst you, I thought I'd explain how the newsletter's related website works. At its simplest, all the previous editions of the newsletter are available on the main page in date ascending order but possibly of more use is the sector pages which pull together all the newsletter sector sections in reverse order. There is one for Education, Environment, Health, Livelihood and Resilience, Protection, WASH, ....And the Rest - which is all the publications from the Other section of the newsletter.
Also, it turns out I'm not perfect and sometimes when researching for the newsletter, I find articles that got 'missed' from previous newsletters. I do add them to the website at the relevant places but make it clear it wasn't included in the original by putting NEW in front of it.
Please note that submissions are always welcome and can be shared, for inclusion in subsequent newsletters, via our email - ugandarefugeenews@gmail.com
Welcome to all the new subscribers and thank you to all who have been sharing the newsletter and increasing its impact and coverage - do continue! They can subscribe using the bar below. The more the merrier!
Sector specific:
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education - “My teachers make me feel alive”: the contribution of student-teacher relationships to student well-being in accelerated education programmes in South Sudan and Uganda
FCA - Back to school in Uganda: excitement and enthusiasm at start of new school year
Forbes.com - Last Mile Learners Reflect Literacy Needs Across The Globe
International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy - A critical review of the research evidence on early childhood education and care in refugee contexts in low- and middle-income countries
The Monitor - Language barrier hinders education access for refugees
Washington University in St Louis - D&I SPOTLIGHT: Student collaborator works to support refugee mental health in Uganda
UNESCO - Three more Secondary Schools in Uganda receive UNESCO Digital Library Device
American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS)R) - The influence of COVID 19 on the social economic welfare of refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement.
Current Developments in Nutrition - A Peer-Led Integrated Nutrition Education Intervention through Care Groups Improved Complementary Feeding of Infants in Postemergency Settlements in the West-Nile Region in Uganda: A Cluster Randomized Trial
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology - Psychological flexibility in South Sudanese female refugees in Uganda as a mechanism for change within a guided self-help intervention.
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports - Humanitarian Food Assistance and Nutrition Outcomes among Refugees: A Historical Perspective
Makerere University - Factors associated with Covid-19 vaccine uptake among adult refugees in Kyangwali, Kikuube district-Uganda.
Mendeley Data - Determinants of male involvement in antenatal care in Palabek Refugee settlement,Northern Uganda
National Library of Medicine - Refugee caregivers: Associations between psychosocial wellbeing and parenting in Uganda
PLOS One - Leveraging interactive voice response technology to mitigate COVID-19 risk in refugee settlements in Uganda: Lessons learned implementing “Dial-COVID” a toll-free mobile phone symptom surveillance and information dissemination tool
Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress - (pay for access) - Refugee caregivers: Associations between psychosocial wellbeing and parenting in Uganda.
Apple Podcasts - News on Refugees and Regenerative Agriculture in Uganda, Fossil Free Research, and the Revolutionary Love Project
EIN News - P-World of Design Free Skilling Camp for Nakivale Refugee Settlement
Innovations for Poverty Action - Can Aid Change Attitudes toward Refugees? Experimental Evidence from Microentrepreneurs in Urban Uganda
New Vision - Refugees in West Nile trained on Climate Smart Agriculture
RU Forum - Vertical Farming Comes to the Aid of Refugee Families
CEIS Working Paper No. 553 - Gains from Variety: Refugee-Host Interactions in Uganda
DCA - Congolese refugees in Uganda speak of horrors in the wake of renewed fighting in DR Congo - Uganda is first stop for many - at the Nyakabande transit centre they tell their stories. DCA has compiled a report with some of them.
DSG Hub - Vendor and Product Showcase: DSG Technologies Advancing Financial Inclusion - A panel of digital savings group practitioners and DSG Hub vendors and product experts present, tools to accelerate safe, inclusive and sustainable digitization of savings groups.
DW.com - (audio) - The 77 Percent - Refugees in Gulu, Uganda
FEWS-Net - Uganda Price Bulletin, January 2023
Forced Migration Review - pg 41 “We are well able to stand on our own if we are given the opportunities”: perspectives from affected populations in Uganda
GoU/UNHCR - Uganda -
The Hindu - South Sudan's President calls on refugees to return home
International Olympic Committee - Olympic Refuge Foundation Celebrates Two-Year Anniversary of Game Connect Programme in Uganda
IoM - Uganda Multi-Hazard Infographic - Response/DRR Platform (Published 22 February 2023)
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - (pay for access) - Refugee mobilities in East Africa: understanding secondary movements
The Monitor
Obiaks Project - The Contribution Of UNHCR And Refugee Welfare In Uganda. A Case Study Of Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement Camp In Kamwengye District
Refugee Led research - Refugee-led organisations (RLOs) in East Africa: Community Perceptions in Uganda
Research and Evidence Facility - Gendered experiences of return and displacement in South Sudan: developing gender-sensitive policies and programming
Science Norway - Refugees must participate in decision making that affect their own lives
SoS Medias Burundi - Nakivale (Uganda): Uganda to collect tax in the refugee camp - The Uganda Revenue Authority plans to collect taxes on houses and households in the refugees. A campaign has been launched to explain the project which is not unanimous.
South Sudan: 2023 Regional Refugee Response Plan at a Glance (January - December 2023)
South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan (January - December 2023)
2023 Year End Report for the South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan
Democratic Republic of the Congo Regional Refugee Response Plan (January - December 2023)
East and Horn of Africa - Operational Update October-December 2022
UNICEF - Uganda Humanitarian Situation Report No. 6 (End of Year) January - December 2022
University of Agder -
Norwegian NGOs in the nexus - This thesis looks at how Norwegian NGOs who work with projects including self-reliance elements experience the ruling relations and which space they have for developing their projects for refugees in Uganda
Wageningen University - Relationality, Power Dynamics and Interwovenness of the Ugandan Humanitarian NGO Landscape
World Bank - Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis 2021 - Uganda, 2021 - 2022 - This is the fourth wave of refugee and host community data collection under the RIMA methodology conducted in Uganda
World Development - Inclusive refugee-hosting can improve local development and prevent public backlash
World Vision - (video) - S.Sudan refugee influx update: WVU National Director Gilbert Kamanga
Events, Funding etc
WEBINAR - DSG Hub - Innovations in Savings Group Programming for Women's Empowerment - Thursday, March 16 - 9:30-11:00 EST - This session will explore innovations in savings group programming that have the potential to transform unequal gender norms, reduce violence, strengthen women's digital and financial inclusion and expand the benefits of savings groups for members with limited literacy and numeracy.
Disaster Ready - (log in/registration required) - The free Wider Impacts of Shelter & Settlements online course provides an introduction to humanitarian shelter and settlements response and its wider impact on other sectors. Learn how the provision of shelter and settlement assistance may affect your role and how to promote more collaborative programming to increase the impact of assistance to crisis-affected communities. This free course was created and generously donated by InterAction and USAID/BHA.
This mapping covers Agri-tech service providers offering services in the refugee response: settlements, as well as refugee hosting districts and Kampala. This includes actors working on off-farm and on-farm activities, ranging from input supply, to production, collection, post-harvest handling and processing to transportation to markets.