Uganda Refugee News

Oct 1, 20227 min

Uganda Refugee News - September 2022

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

As we hurtle towards the end of the year, the situation in Uganda doesn't let up! The added potential complication of Ebola is something I'm sure you're all monitoring closely and will be ready to step up if necessary. Hang in there!

The newsletter is a long one this month, but do persevere to the bottom as there is a great free resource - a toolkit on responding to gender-based violence disclosure in humanitarian crisis settings.

Welcome to our new subscribers - especially if you heard about us through U-Learn Uganda - who are now sharing some of the 'highlights' each month on their website.

Please share the love and send the newsletter onto anyone you think might be interested - they can subscribe using the bar below - the more the merrier, right?!

Sector specific:







Events, Funding etc

  • Sharjah International Award for Refugee Advocacy and Support 2023 - organized by The Big Heart Foundation in collaboration with UNHCR, the award aims to highlight and support outstanding efforts and initiatives which work to improve the lives of millions of individuals and families who have been displaced away from their homes due to natural disasters or war. The award focuses on bringing increased awareness to refugee issues within the Middle East, Africa, and Asia regions while recognizing distinguished service by an organization in support of the forcibly displaced. The winning organisation with receive a cash prize of AED500,000 ($136,130) to use to enhance their initiative’s reach within their community. Nomination criteria is here and you can nominate here or for any additional information regarding the award, please feel free to email:

Gender-based Violence Disclosure Toolkit -
Responding to Gender-based Violence Disclosure in Humanitarian Crisis Settings

This Toolkit is the culmination of years of practice-based research and collective reflection and aims to help organizations and workers across sectors safely and appropriately
receive and respond to GBV disclosure in contexts impacted by displacement and other humanitarian crises.. The Toolkit provides guidance and resources to:

  • Help organizations create a safe environment to enable GBV survivors to disclose their experiences if they choose to;

  • Support workers to receive and respond to GBV disclosure in a manner that promotes survivor safety, dignity, choice, agency and healing; and

  • Foster awareness in the community about GBV and services available for survivors.

The primary audience for this Toolkit includes organizations and service providers who,
through their work, have contact with populations in displacement and other humanitarian
contexts, such as internally displaced people, refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. It is
written for national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations (UN) agencies, and local organizations providing health, community, shelter, protection and other support services, especially those providing services to women, children, people with diverse SOGIESC, people with disabilities and other specific groups

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