Uganda Refugee News

Nov 15, 20226 min

Uganda Refugee News - October 2022- Edition 34

Apologies for the delay in sending you the October, and 34th, edition of Uganda Refugee News, but better late than never, right?!

All sectors are represented this month, which is still unusual but certainly welcome; the DRC continues to generate new caseloads, increasing the strain on the already stretched resources; and, despite the slow but steady increase in Ebola cases keeping everyone on their toes, I have chosen - at least for the time being - not to include these pieces in this newsletter.

Welcome to our new subscribers, I hope you find the content useful. Please note that submissions are always welcome and can be shared, for inclusion in subsequent newsletters, via our email -

Last, please share the love and send the newsletter onto anyone you think might be interested - they can subscribe using the bar below. The more the merrier!

Sector specific:








Events, Funding etc

  • Finland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs - The 2022 Call for Proposals for International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) - The call for proposals is for core and project support for INGOs development cooperation interventions. Approximately EUR 13 million will be allocated during this application round for use in 2023–2025. The call is open from 1 November until 30 November 2022. The call for proposals targets applications in the following thematic focus areas: sexual and reproductive health and rights, promotion of tax justice and promotion of food security.

  • IFRC - Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations - Join for the 6th Edition to operationalize Corruption prevention in Humanitarian Operations - Wed 7 Dec - Sextortion; - Thu 8 Dec - Investigative interviews in Humanitarian Operations; - Fri 9 Dec - Integrity & Accountability.
